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作者:田俊峰 潘德强 赵尚传 
单位:中国港湾建设(集团)总公司 中国港湾建设(集团)总公司 大连理工大学 北京100027  北京100027  辽宁大连116023 
关键词:海工高性能混凝土  氯离子侵蚀  耐久寿命 
通过对结构生命全过程的分析 ,给出了海工高性能混凝土抗氯离子侵蚀的耐久寿命的定义 ;以 Fick第二定律为基础 ,分析了影响混凝土结构耐久寿命的一些因素 ;简单介绍了国内外测量氯离子渗透性的电化学方法并分析了电通量与氯离子扩散系数之间的关系。
The definition of the durable life of high performance concrete(HPC) structures resisting chloride ion penetration in marine environment has been proposed in the paper on the basis of the analysis of the life cycle of HPC structures Factors affecting the durable life of concrete structures are analyzed on the basis of Fick's Second Law Electro chemical methods used at home and abroad to measure chloride ion penetration are briefly described in the paper and the relationship between electric flux and diffusion coefficient is analyzed
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