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作者:刘润 董伟 闫澍旺 
单位:天津大学建工学院岩土所 天津大学建工学院岩土所 天津大学建工学院岩土所 天津300072  天津300072  天津300072 
关键词:打桩分析  土层参数  贯入度 
崖城气田RDPP 1平台建设中的土性资料离散性较大,给进行准确的打桩分析带来了困难。根据现有的地质勘察资料和试桩的打桩记录,采用反分析方法借助波动方程和相关的计算程序,经过对比分析最终确定出适宜的土性参数用于该工程的打桩分析中,沉桩过程的分析结果与工程实测资料吻合较好。
Reliable soil properties play an important role in predicting the drivability of steel pile.The bore hole investigation data for RDPP1 platform in Yacheng gas field showed large gaps existing in the bore holes,which result in difficulties in pile driving.Therefore,none of these data can be directly used in the analysis and it is necessary to determine a set of reliable data for drivability analysis.Based on the existing investigation data and preserved recording for a tested driven pile,back analysis method has been adopted in judging the soil properties.With the help of the one dimension wave equation and the computer program,a set of soil data has been determined and applied in drivability analysis.the calculated results agree well with the observed data.The proposed back analysis procedure can be recommended to use in similar pile driving situation.
国家高技术研究发展计划863计划(2004AA616100);; 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50309009)
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