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作者:毕继红 尹元彪 李记忠  
单位:天津大学建筑工程学院 新纪元综合咨询公司  
关键词:斜拉索  风雨激振  限位装置  驰振 
Due to the question of stayed-cable rain/wind-induced vibration is complexity;further studies are required on effective methods to mitigate the vibration.This paper based on the Den Hartog's galloping theory,a device,which was designed to restrain larger displacement of a stayed-cable,was analyzed numerically.Using finite element method to simulate the stayed-cable rain/wind-induced vibration,the vibration of stayed-cable after installing vibration mitigation device was analyzed;studies were carried out to make clear the characteristics of the dynamic behaviors of the device.Results after comparison show that the device could mitigate effectively the vibration of a stayed-cable induced by rain/wind and a detailed discussion on the effect of vibration reduction by the related parameters after installing the vibration mitigation device was carried out,and it could provide a theory for the further bridge engineering practice.
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